Cheat Game Rise Of Nation

Popular cheat codes for Rise of Nations. You can add resources, turn an enemy into your best buddy, change tech levels, and even add a wild bird wherever you want to. The wild bird serves no purpose but it’s fun!

  1. Cheat Game Rise Of Nations
  2. Cheat Game Rise Of Nations Extended Edition
  3. Rise Of Nations Strategy Guide
Cheat Game Rise Of Nation

Rise of Nations: Extended Edition – Cheats Guide Posted on July 9, 2019 this great guide will give users a bunch of cheat codes, so then they can have fun and play it with cheats! While fighting you can change your color in the world campaign by pressing Alt + C. Increase population limit. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'rules.xml' file in the 'data' directory in the game. Apply the official Rise of Nations - Gold Edition v3.2.12.0800 Patch. Replace the original NATIONS.EXE & PATRIOTS.EXE fileswith the ones from the File Archive.

Cheat Game Rise Of Nations

What it DoesCodeCommentsExamples
Add to all resources“Cheat resources all” plus a numberFor example, adding 1000 to the end of the command adds 1000 to all five resources in the game.Cheat resources all +1000
Add/subtract resources“cheat resource” plus a resource name plus a number.Adds or takes away resources to or from what resources you already have. Resources are timber, food, metal, wealth, and knowledge.Cheat timber +500
Alliances“cheat ally” plus the nation’s name or color.Turns the nation you name into an ally.Cheat ally blue
Change ages“cheat age” plus the age. The age is represented by a number, with zero being the Ancient Age. Adding a nation name or color to the end of the command changes the age for that nation.Moves you to a different ageCheat age 4 Aztecs
Change civic level“cheat civic” plus the civic name plus a numberMoves your nation to the selected civic level.Cheat civic military 4
Change civic level for another nation“cheat civic” plus the civic name plus the nation’s name or colorMoves another nation to the named civic level.Cheat civic military 4 Greeks
Change tech levels“cheat library” plus the level number.Increases all the tech levels to the specified level.Cheat library 3
Change tech levels for another nation“cheat library” plus the level number plus the nation name or color.Increases all the tech levels to the specified level for the named nation.Cheat library 3 Greeks
Change the difficulty level“cheat diff” plus difficulty level.Changes the difficulty level of the game with zero being the easiest level.Cheat diff 2
Complete a building“cheat finish”Finishes the selected building or finishes the next building in the build sequence.Cheat finish
Computer controlled nation“cheat computer” plus the nation’s nameChanges the specified nation from player to computer controlCheat computer Koreans
Create a building or unit“cheat add” plus the number of items plus the name of the unit or buildingCreates a new building(s) or unit(s) wherever the mouse cursor is located.Cheat add 2 pikemen
Create a unit or building for another nation“cheat add” plus the number of items plus the name of the unit or building plus the color of the nation. If no number is entered then only one will be created.Creates a new building(s) or unit(s) wherever the mouse cursor is located for the named nation.Cheat add 2 pikemen blue
Damage to building“cheat damage” then + or -, and then a number.Must select the building first. This either increases or decreases the damage done to a building. A minus sign increases the damage.Cheat damage -500
Defeat a nation“cheat defeat” plus the nation’s name or color.Ends the game for the nation you entered in the cheat codeCheat defeat Joan of Arc
Display the entire map“cheat reveal” and then either “on” or “off”Reveals the entire game map or hides any unexplored territory.Cheat reveal on
Display your achievements“cheat achieve”Activates the game stats screenCheat achieve
Exploration“cheat explore” plus the word normal, explored, or all.“Explored” reveals territory but does not remove the fog of war; “all” reveals all territory and removes the fog of war, “normal” returns the map to showing only explored territory.Cheat explore all
Human players“cheat sandbox”Makes all the nations in the game human controlled.Cheat sandbox
Kill units“cheat die”Kills all the selected units.Cheat die
Meet a nation“cheat meet” plus the nation’s colorReveals the name of an unknown nationCheat meet blue
Nuke ‘em“cheat nuke”Drops a nuke at the mouse position, even if that technology is not available to you.Cheat nuke
Peace!“cheat peace” plus the nation’s name or colorMakes peace with an enemy.Cheat peace Aztecs
Player controlled“cheat human” plus the nation’s name or colorChange the specified nation from computer to player controlCheat human Mongols
Unmeet a nation“cheat unmeet” plus the nation’s name or color.Changes a nation’s status to “Computer”Cheat unmeet orange
War“cheat war” plus the nation’s name or colorDeclares war on a nationCheat war Aztecs
Wild bird“cheat bird”I don’t know why but this is a cheat code that drops a wild bird at the mouse position. Fun!Cheat bird

Cheat Game Rise Of Nations Extended Edition

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Rise Of Nations Strategy Guide

Rise of Nations
Cheat Codes:
Hit ENTER and type: pause game
Code Result
cheat pause [1|0] - pause game
cheat sandbox - sets all players to human and the map to reveal all
cheat ai [on|off|debug]
cheat safe - safe creates lots of machine guns around every human capital
cheat diff [?:0-5] - sets difficulty
cheat achieve - Display Achievements
cheat ally (ally[who]) - force alliance with nation
cheat peace (peace[who]) - force peace with nation
cheat war (war[who]) - force war with nation
cheat meet (meet[who]) - force encounter with nation
cheat unmeet (unmeet[who]) - force encounter-off with nation
cheat human (human[who]) - turn off computer control
cheat computer (computer[who]) - turn on computer control
cheat defeat (defeat[who]) - defeat nation
cheat victory (victory[who]) - victory for nation
cheat tech (tech[who][tech|all][(on|off)]) - show or change technology cheat resource
cheat age (age[age][who]) - show or change age for nation
cheat military (military[level][who]) - show or change military level for nation
cheat civic (civic[level][who]) - show or change civic level for nation
cheat commerce (commerce[level][who]) - show or change commerce level for nation
cheat science (science[level][who]) - show or change science level for nation
cheat library (library[level][who]) - show or change all library tech levels for nation
cheat bbox (1|0) - Toggle bounding box mode
cheat ranges (1|0) - show combat ranges
cheat die (die[o[,who]|select]) - kill object or all selected
cheat damage (damage(o[,who]|select)[+|-]damage ) - adjust damage to object or all selected
cheat insert (insert[#]typename[who=RED][x,y]) - insert unit or building at mouse loc
cheat add (add[#]typename[who=RED][x,y]) - insert unit or building at mouse loc
cheat finish (finish) - Finishes selected building(s) or next item in queue
cheat bird - Drop a Wild Bird at Mouse
cheat nuke - Drop a Nuke at mouse position
cheat pack - Packs the currently selected units,if they are packing units
cheat deploy - Deploys the currently selected unit(s), if they are
deploying units
cheat reveal (reveal[1|0]) - toggle reveal map
cheat explore (explore[normal|explored|all]) - change game explore config
cheat keys on - Enable in-game cheat keys
Rise Of Nations - Gold Edition
Code Result
cheat reveal 1 - Reveal Map
cheat nuke - Drop Nuke
cheat bird - Drop Wild Bird
cheat finish - Finish buildings in Queue
cheat die - Kill All Selected
cheat age - Show or Change Age
cheat sandbox - All Players to Human & Reveal Map
cheat safe - Guns Around Capital
cheat achieve - Show Achievements
cheat ally [who] - For Alliance with Nation
cheat peace [who] - Force Peace with Nation
cheat war [who] - Force War with Nation
cheat defeat [who] - Defeat Nation
cheat victory [who] - Victory for Nation
cheat age [age] [who] - Show or Change Age for Nation
Rise Of Nations - Rise Of Legends
Cheat Codes:
Result Code
Add mana to the hero - /cheat mana [hero name]+[number]
Remove mana from hero - /cheat mana [hero name]-[number]
Add resources - /cheat resource [player number][resource]+[number]
Remove resources - /cheat resource [player number][resource]-[number]
Add Juggernauts around your capital - /cheat safe
Change explore configurations - /cheat explore [normal|explored|all]
Complete the selected building - /cheat finish
Generate a new map - /cheat mapgen
Give desired dominance - /cheat dominance [dominance] [player number]
Add unit or building to pointer - /cheat add [number] [type]
All tech researched - /cheat tech [player number] tech [on|off]
Reveal the map - /cheat reveal
Force peace, alliance, or war - /cheat [ally|peace|war] [player number]
Win mission - /cheat victory
Enable cheat keys - /cheat keys on
Note: When [player number] is 1, it is your character.
Cheat keys:Press one of the following keys during game play during a quick battle or campaign
after the /cheat keys on code is enabled to activate the cheat function.
Result Code
+1,000 to each resource - [Alt] + [F5]
Faster unit creation, building creation, and research - [Alt] + [F9]
Select unit has full mana and abilities recharged - [Alt] + [F10]
Selected unit has full health - [Alt] + [F11]
Unit names:Use one of the following entries with the /cheat add code.
Unit Name code
Queen Spider - giant
Scout form Zeke - zeke
Sun Idol - great
Queen Salamander - queen spider
Siege Zeppelin - siege
Pirata Base Ship - pirata
Land Leviathan - land
Glass dragon - glass drag
Sun Jaguar - sun
Air Destroyer - air
Moon God - moon
Moon Gorilla - moon gorilla
City - city
Add Units and Buildings:
Add units by pressing Enter then typing '/cheat add.' The following units can be
added by entering the codes below:
elder glass dragon - Elder Glass Dragon
glass dragon - Glass Dragon
king - King Leviathan
land - Land Leviathan
moon - Moon God
moon gorilla - Moon Gorilla
city of - City of Vengeance
elder - Elder Salamander
queen - Queen Salamander
adult - Adult Salamander
salamander - SALAMANDER
mega - Elder Glass Golem
adult glass golem - Adult Glass Golem
death - Death Snake
death sphere - Death Sphere
holy - Holy Ark
great - Sun Idol
giant - Spider Queen
elder spider queen - Elder Spider Queen
lava - Lava Spider
dark - Dark Walkers
sun - Sun Jaguars
sun cannon - Sun Cannon
sentinel - Sentinel
storm - Storm Disk
quetzal - Quetzal Fighter
eagle - Eagle Bomber
coutl - Coutl Caravan
vinci - Vinci Caravan
city - City
circle of Sand - Circle of Sand
circle of Fire - Circle of Fire
circle of Glass - Circle of Glass
barracks - Barracks
aerodrome - Aerodrome
steam - Steam Fortress
research - Research Lab
doomcannon - Doomcannon
fane - Fane
sanctuary - Sanctuary
temple - Temple
sentry - Sentry
Rise of Nations - Thrones and Patriots
Cheat Codes:
Result Code
Toggle game pause - cheat pause [0 or 1]
Set all players to human and full map - cheat sandbox
Set AI state - cheat ai [on, off, or debug]
Machine guns around every human capital - cheat safe
Set difficulty - cheat diff [0-5]
Display achievements - cheat achieve
Force alliance with nation - cheat ally [name]
Force peace with nation - cheat peace [name]
Force war with nation - cheat war [name]
Force encounter with nation - cheat meet [name]
Force encounter-off with nation - cheat unmeet [name]
Turn off computer control - cheat human [name]
Turn on computer control - cheat computer [name]
Defeat nation - cheat defeat [name]
Victory for nation - cheat victory [name]
Show or change technology - cheat tech[name][tech or all][on or of]
Show or change resource - cheat resource [name][goodtype or all]
[+ or -][number]
Add indicated number of all resources - cheat resource all+[number]
Show or change age for nation - cheat age [age][who]
Show or change military level for nat. - cheat military [number][who]
Show or change civic level for nation - cheat civic [number][who]
Show or change commerce level for nat. - cheat commerce [number][who]
Show or change science level for nat. - cheat science [number][who]
Toggle bounding box mode - cheat bbox [0 or 1]
Show combat ranges - cheat ranges [0 or 1]
Kill object or all selected - cheat die [name or no entry]
Adjust damage to object or all selected - cheat damage [who or no entry][+ or -][number]
Insert unit or building at pointer - cheat insert [number][type][who=RED][x,y]
Insert unit or building at pointer - cheat add [number][type][who=RED][x,y]
Finishes selected building(s) - cheat finish
Spawn Wild Bird at pointer location - cheat bird
Spawn Nuke at pointer location - cheat nuke
Spawn Cruise missile at pointer - cheat add cruise
Packs the currently selected unit(s) - cheat pack
Deploys the currently selected unit(s) - cheat deploy
Toggle full map - cheat reveal [0 or 1]
Change game explore configuration - cheat explore [normal, explored, all]
Code Effect
ALT + F5 - Gain 1000 of each type of resource
ALT + F9 - This either complete finishes the research, building, or unit creation or
gives you a significant boost towards creating/researching the selected unit.
Unit and building codes:
Use one of the following entries with the cheat add code.
Unit or building Code
Continental Rifle Marines - continental
Battleship - battle