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Transformice > Community > English > Tribes > The Tribe Guide -- Updated with Tribe House info!

View Full Version : The Tribe Guide -- Updated with Tribe House info!

Note: Throughout this guide there are images of the explained steps in spoilers above each section.
General Information and Purpose
Tribes are the clan/guild system recently implemented into Transformice. You may only be in one tribe at a time. In their current state they serve two functions:
They work as a shared friends list for the people within the tribe.
They add an extra group chat for the tribe.
The shared friend list consists of all of the members of the tribe. While any member is online, all the other members will be able to see them in the tribe menu (a special menu for managing a tribe) and what room they are in. They can also click on icons within the tribe menu to follow a person or whisper them, just like in the friends list.
Tribe chat:
The group chat is a special
03-18-2011, 11:48 PM
chat where any messages sent in it go to all members of the tribe. Any messages sent in the tribe chat will appear as green text in the normal chat window for all members of the tribe, but no one outside of the tribe; this is like a special whisper to the whole tribe. Tribe chat also shows the speakers name. The chat can be accessed by either typing '/t' while in the normal chat bar or by pressing the letter 'T' while outside of the chat bar. [NOTE: Commands represent the English keyboard layout.]
There may be times when you do not want the tribe chat. This is particularly a problem if you are in a particularly large tribe, and you may find the need to mute the tribe chat from time to time. To do this enter the command '/mt'
Keep in mind that while these are the current functions, new one may be added in the near future. This could give tribes even more purpose.
Joining a Tribe
Now that you know about tribes, you may want to join one. To join a tribe you must be invited into the tribe by an existing member. However, it is important to understand that not all members of the tribe have the ability to invite someone. (More on that will be covered in the next section.)
If you are looking for a tribe to join, my first recommendation would be to figure out what tribes your friends are in. Checking the in-game profile of any of your friends will reveal their tribe right under their title. To check their profile, click on their name within chat or the scoreboard and choose 'Profile'. After you find out what tribe they are in, see if they will invite you or get someone who can to do it. If you don't have any friends, you can always post a request HERE (
Receiving an invitation:
When you are invited into a tribe, a large box labeled 'Invitation' appears in the center of your screen. The box will tell you who invited you into which tribe and give you three options: Yes, No, and Don't show anymore. Yes joins the tribe, no rejects the invite, and Don't show anymore makes it so you will no longer receive invites.
Within a Tribe
Accessing the Tribe Menu
Selecting the tribe menu:
Once you are within a tribe you will be able to access their tribe menu. You get to the tribe menu by clicking on your Menu button and selecting Tribe. From there you will be able to see the whole menu. At the top is the name of the tribe. To the left is a scrollable list of all of the online member's cards. To the right is your tribe's greeting message.
Tribe menu for a user:
Each player's member card contains the following items:
Their avatar
Their name
their title
Their rank within the tribe
Their current room number
Buttons to follow or whisper this player
Tribe Ranks
Within every tribe are the following ten ranks:
Spiritual Chief
Tribe's Shaman
Shaman Apprentice
Currently, each of these ranks can be assigned any assortment of the following rights:
Can change the greeting message.
Can change the member's permissions.
Can invite new members.
Can exclude members.
Can change the Tribe's house
Can load a map (command /np @[code]).
Can play a music in the room by using the radio.
Which rights each rank has is not predetermined and must be set by the tribe leader or someone with the right to change member permissions. However, it should be noted that Stooges and the Spiritual Chief cannot have their rights changed. (A stooge will never have rights, and the Spiritual Chief will always have them all.) It's also important to know that ranks could have other unofficial functions given by the tribe's leader. These will be unique to each tribe and cannot be listed here.
Leaving a Tribe
Choosing to leave a tribe:
Some day you may decide that you want to leave your current tribe. This may be because you don't want to be in a tribe anymore, or it could be because you want to join or start a different tribe. (You can only be in one tribe at a time.) To leave a tribe you have to go to the tribe menu. Then, find your member card. In the top right hand corner of your member card, there will be a tiny 'X'. When you click this 'X' a menu will appear asking you to confirm that you want to leave the tribe. Choose 'Leave the tribe' and you will be out of that tribe. [NOTE: When you leave a tribe, a special message will appear to everyone online to let them know that you are no longer a member.]
You should also know that it is possible to be forcibly removed from a tribe. Anyone with the right to exclude members of the tribe may kick you out against your will. It is advised that you mind any rules set by your tribes leaders.
Starting a Tribe
Starting a tribe menu:
After you have been in one for a while, you may want to start a tribe. First you must gather at least 500 cheese to spend. This is the cost of starting a tribe and it is non-refundable. If you are in a tribe, you must leave it; this is because you can only be in one tribe at a time. Next select 'Menu' and choose 'Tribe.' You will now be asked to name your tribe. This cannot be changed, so make sure you know what you want to call it. Click 'Submit' and your tribe will be formed. [NOTE: Do not pick any offensive tribe names. If you are not sure if it is offensive, then it probably is; don't use it.]
Managing a Tribe
If you are running a tribe, then it is all the more important that keep keep a good, secure password. Make sure it has at least eight characters and DO NOT give it to anyone. Ever! Many tribes have been destroyed from the inside out because a leader gave out their password to someone. If you need a stronger password, please contact your server manager.
Management user menu:
Whether you create your own tribe or are given a rank that has rights within someone else's tribe, you may find yourself managing one. The role of management can operations of your own creation (like creating a website or deciding on ranks) as well as functions built into the game. The built in functions reflect the four rights a rank can have:
Inviting new members.
Excluding members.
Changing the greeting message.
Changing the members' permissions.
Changing the Tribe's house
Loading a map in the Tribe house.
Playing music in the Tribe house.
Inviting New Members
Inviting a new member:
Inviting members is the simplest and most basic part of running a tribe. It also happens to be the most important because a tribe is useless if you are alone. To invite a new member, you have to be able to click on their name in the game. This can be either in the chat window or the scoreboard. [TIP: If you want to invite someone who is not in the same room as you, either whisper them first or use the '/rt Playername' command.] After you click on their name, a menu will appear giving you various options. Under the Tribe subsection of the menu, click 'Recruit'. An invitation will immediately be sent to them. [NOTE: An invitation cannot be sent if they are in another tribe.]
Excluding Members
Sometimes you will recruit someone into your tribe who turns out to not be the kind of person you thought they were. In this case, you may have to 'kick' them from your tribe. To remove a member from your tribe, find their member card in the tribe menu. When you have the right to exclude members, all members will have an 'X' in the top right hand corner of the tribe menu. (This is just like the one to quit a tribe.) Simply click on the 'X' of the member you want to remove and confirm that you want them gone. [NOTE: After removing a member, it is possible to invite them back into the tribe.]
Currently, the only way to exclude or kick an offline member of your tribe is to enlist the aide of moderator that is server manager rank or higher. This may change in the future.
Changing the Greeting Message
The greeting message can be either a way to make your tribe more fun or an easy way to convey important information to the whole tribe. Whatever the greeting message is set to will appear in the chat window for all your members when they log into Transformice. It will also appear within their tribe menus.
The greeting message button:
Changing the greeting:
To change the greeting message, first you must go into the tribe menu. Underneath the current greeting message will be a button labeled 'Change the greeting message'. Click this button. A box appear around your current message; this shows that it is ready to be edited. Type in your new message, then hit the 'Validate the greeting message' button below. The message will appear as tribe under the user '[^_^]'. If the message appears as you want it to, then you are all set. [TIP: Unlike normal chat, you can add line breaks into the greeting message to make it easier to read.]
Changing the Members' Permissions
There are two parts to changing member permissions:
Changing what rights each rank has
Changing the ranks of your members
The members' rights button:
The rank permissions list:
To change the rights of each rank, start by going into your tribe menu. Below the greeting message button is another button labeled 'Modify the members' rights.'. Click this button to bring up a list of all of the ranks with check-boxes for each right. Simply go though the list and choose which rights you want each rank to have. Remember, you cannot change the rights of Stooges or the Spiritual Chief.
[CAUTION: Tribe owners, be very careful as to who else you give the right to change member rights.]
Choosing a new rank:
To change the ranks of one of your members, find their member card. On this card will be a dot just left of their current rank. Click this dot. A list of all of the ranks will appear. Simply choose the rank you want that person to be. A message will appear in the tribe chat alerting everyone of the change.
[NOTE: You can no longer make someone else a Spiritual Chief. Only the tribe founder can have this rank, and if they remove themselves from it, nobody will have it. Also, other people with rank changing powers cannot demote the Spiritual Chief; they can only demote themselves.]
Tribe House Management
Choosing a tribe house:
Changing the Tribe's house
So, you want another map to be your default one for the tribe house? Go into the tribe menu and select the button that says 'Define the code of your Tribe's house.' A dialog box for asking for the Tribe house will appear. Enter the @code for the map you want into the box and press 'Submit.' That's it! Congrats on your new tribe house.
Loading a map in the Tribe house.
This power is done with a command in the chat bar. Simply type '/np ' followed by the @code of the map you want to play. An example of this would be: '/np @33987'. The map should appear immediately (interrupting the current map). If it does not appear immediately, the command was entered incorrectly or the user does not have permission to use this power. Note: Only user maps can be entered, but they can be anyone's maps even if they were deleted.
Playing music in the Tribe house.
This allows you to play music files to others in your tribe. The first step to doing it is to add a radio into your tribe house. Once the radio is there, members with the right 'Can play a music in the room by using the radio.' will be able to click on it; then a dialog box labeled 'Music' appears. In the blank field add a web link to a .mp3 file and click submit. The music will start playing for everyone in the room.
Music input box:
An example of a .mp3 web-link can be seen below. YouTube links do not work. It is essentially a direct link to a music file. However, links on your local machine do not work since nobody but you can access them. (Local link example: 'C:MyMusicNyancat.mp3' ) Also, the link must be to a .mp3 file. No other music files are supported.
Example link:
If a user is looking for a way to share the music on their personal computer with others, I recommend using a program called Dropbox ( This is a free and secure online storage program. Any files placed in your public folder (or subsidiaries of it) will be able to get linked and be played.
Going Above and Beyond
Whether you own a tribe of your own or you are a member of another, you may want to consider things beyond the tools given to you in the game. The following is a list of things you can do to help improve your tribe experience:
Set up a page in the Tribe section of this forum
Set up a website for your tribe
Set up rules for your tribe
Assign people extra authority, like being able to moderate the tribe chat
Come up with a system for allowing more people into your tribe
Design a tribe logo
Set dates, times, and places for your tribe to meet
Create a tournament with other tribes
Keep a list of all of the members in your tribe
Create a banner for your tribe
Once your tribe beings to grow, expand beyond just Transformice. You may forge friends for life. ^^
Tribe battles
One fun thing you can do with tribes is hold contests against each other. While this hasn't been officially implemented into the game yet, you can still hold one yourself by creating a set of rules, gathering people from each participating tribe, and making sure everyone knows the rules.
The following are a set of rules that work fairly well. You can tweak them as needed, just make sure everyone competing knows the rules.
Those competing gather in a private room
During each round, whoever gets first earns one (1) point for their tribe
If the top three people are from the same tribe, you have a sweep! That tribe gets two (2) points!
The first tribe to get ten (10) points wins
Map selection is random
User maps are valid
Dark maps are invalid
Collision maps are invalid
Mod removal of members
Is someone destroying your tribe? Have someone to remove that is online when you are off? Server managers are able to remove people from your tribe for you! If you're the spiritual chief, just politely ask your server's manager and they should be able to help you out.
[Note: When someone is removed, it adds a note to their account to auto-kick them when they log in. If they never log in, they won't be removed. Therefore, this cannot help improve your tribe's rankings by removing inactive players.]
I hope this guide was helpful and informative to you. If you have any questions, ask them in the Q & A section of the forum ( or you can PM me, Truelink ( Have fun, and thank you for playing!

Transformice Mod Commands

Transformice is a multiplayer Flash game, where you are a small mouse out to get a piece of cheese and who got to take it back into the mouse hole. The game includes a physics engine, so the multiplayer aspect gets a lot of fun when many players rush forward blindly into one direction. Transformice Gameplay Controls: To execute normal commands, you need to make sure that the chat box is not in focus. Below, I have listed the most important commands you need to know before starting playing Transformice. Arrows or WASD for moving and jumping.