Ssh Jar Iphone 4s

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Download sshrdrev04b-iPhone4-RevA.jar from for all. File size 3694712 and last modified at 2014-10-13T01:36:28.000Z. IPhone 4s SSH Ramdisk with full root access When checkm8 will support A5 devices this can bypass iCloud but for now it's for just managing all rootFS from ramdisk level. How To SSH iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch Running iOS 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 SSH Via WiFi (WinSCP) Still Works All The Same Up To iOS 13 http://winscp. Ssh jar for iphone 4 free download. How To: Change Your iPhone's Default SSH Password Cult of Mac SSH-PW-12: pin. HOW TO Bypass the iCloud Activation Lock on the iPhone 4 - Page maxumar: pin. IOS 7 Beta: How to Root iPhone 4 Without Jailbreak Tutorial VIDEO pin. Download sshrdrev04b-iPhone4-RevA.jar from for all. File size 3694712 and last modified at 2014-10-13T01:36:28.000Z.


Download cluster-ssh.jar

The download jar file contains the following class files or Java source files.

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21.Download cluster-3.0.2-sources.jar
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23.Download cluster-5.0.1.jar
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25.Download cluster-5.0.2.jar
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32.Download cluster-5.0.5-sources.jar
33.Download cluster-5.0.5.jar
34.Download cluster-5.0.6-sources.jar
35.Download cluster-5.0.6.jar
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38.Download cluster-4.0.1.jar
39.Download cluster-5.0.0-sources.jar
40.Download cluster-5.0.0.jar
41.Download cluster-admin-3.1-sources.jar
42.Download cluster-admin-3.1.1-sources.jar
43.Download cluster-admin-3.1.1.jar
44.Download cluster-admin-3.1.jar
45.Download cluster-admin-l10n.jar
46.Download cluster-admin.jar
47.Download cluster-cli-3.1.2-sources.jar
48.Download cluster-cli-3.1.2.jar
49.Download cluster-cli-l10n.jar
50.Download cluster-cli.jar
51.Download cluster-common-l10n.jar
52.Download cluster-common.jar
53.Download cluster-gvm-1.1.jar
54.Download cluster-ssh-3.1.2-sources.jar
55.Download cluster-ssh-3.1.2.jar
56.Download cluster-ssh-l10n.jar
57.Download cluster.jar
58.Download cluster-5.0.7-sources.jar
59.Download cluster-5.0.7.jar
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61.Download cluster-5.0.8.jar
62.Download cluster-5.0.9-sources.jar
63.Download cluster-5.0.9.jar
64.Download cluster-ssh-3.1-sources.jar
65.Download cluster-ssh-3.1.jar
66.Download cluster-cli-3.1.1-sources.jar
67.Download cluster-cli-3.1.1.jar
68.Download cluster-5.0.10-sources.jar
69.Download cluster-5.0.10.jar
70.Download cluster-5.1.0-sources.jar
71.Download cluster-5.1.0.jar
72.Download cluster-5.1.1-sources.jar
73.Download cluster-5.1.1.jar
74.Download cluster-5.1.2-sources.jar
75.Download cluster-5.1.2.jar
76.Download cluster-5.1.3-sources.jar
77.Download cluster-5.1.3.jar
78.Download cluster-5.1.4-sources.jar
79.Download cluster-5.1.4.jar
80.Download cluster-5.1.5-sources.jar
81.Download cluster-5.1.5.jar
82.Download cluster-5.1.6-sources.jar
83.Download cluster-5.1.6.jar
84.Download cluster-5.1.7-sources.jar
85.Download cluster-5.1.7.jar
86.Download cluster-cli-3.1-sources.jar
87.Download cluster-cli-3.1.jar
88.Download cluster-ssh-3.1.1-sources.jar
89.Download cluster-ssh-3.1.1.jar
90.Download cluster-common-
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92.Download cluster-common-4.0-sources.jar
93.Download cluster-common-4.0.jar
94.Download cluster-jgroups-2.0.0-sources.jar
95.Download cluster-jgroups-2.0.0.jar

Install and Use SSH

Author: BigBoss Without

SSH is one of the handiest tools ever ported for the iPhone. With SSH you can manage your phone, its files, and correct all sorts of problems. In short, everyone should have SSH installed and running on they’re iphone. This guide explains how to install and some basic usage for SSH.


Open SSH can be installed via installer or Cydia. SSH is a launch daemon. This means you will not get any sort of configuration icon. To configure SSH, I recommend installing SBSettings. To install Open SSH and SBSettigns:

  1. Open Cydia. On the search tab, type in “Open SSH” and install Open SSH.
  2. Search for SBSettings, install SBSettings and restart springboard when prompted.

Neither SBSettings nor OpenSSH will put an icon on your desktop. To launch SBSettings just swipe the top task bar. One of the toggles within SBSettings allows you to toggle SSH on and off. We will use this to turn off SSH when not in use. We will also use SBSettings to obtain the phone’s IP address.

Now that SSH is installed, it’s time to try to connect to it. But before we do this, you may need some additional software. If you’re on a MAC, you will just run terminal. However, if you’re on a PC, you need to download two packages, WinSCP and putty. Neither of these programs require any sort of installation. They will just run from the downloaded executable file. Now to connect to the session:


Ssh Jar Iphone 4s Download

  • Make sure phone is connected via wifi.
  • Open Terminal
  • Type ssh root@iphoneipaddress (substitute the iphone’s IP address for iphoneipaddress. Get this by opening SBSettings and looking at the “wifi” field. It is a number with 3 periods such as
  • The password is “alpine” (without the quotes). (Note: on older systems before 1.1.1, the password is “dottie”.
  • It may take about 30 seconds on waiting for connect on the first time connecting.
  • Once you are in, you are at a Unix command prompt.

On Windows (using putty):

Ssh Jar Iphone 4s Download

  • Open putty.exe
  • In “Host Name (or IP address) box, type in the phone’s IP address. (Get this by opening SBSettings and looking at the “wifi” field. It is a number with 3 periods such as
  • Make sure connection type is “SSH”.
  • Click “Open”.
  • It may take about 30 seconds on “waiting for connect” on the first time connecting.
  • The username is “root” and the password is “alpine” (without the quotes). (Note, on older systems before 1.1.1, the password is “dottie”.
  • After this you mayget some warning about security key. Accept it to move forward.
  • Once you are in, you are at a Unix command prompt.

Ssh Tool For Iphone

On Windows (using WinSCP). WinSCP is more for file copying than issuing commands although you can also issue commands. WinSCP may be good for copying ROMs onto the phone or managing the file system.

  • Open WinSCP.exe
  • In “Host name” box, type in the phone’s IP address. (Get this by opening BossPrefs and looking at the “wifi” field. It is a number with 3 periods such as
  • In “User name” type “root”
  • In “Password” type “alpine”
  • Make sure “File Protocol” type is “SCP”.
  • Click “Login”.
  • It may take about 30-60 seconds on “waiting for connect” on the first time connecting.
  • After this you mayget some warning about security key. Accept it to move forward.
  • Once you are in, you will see a file browse box that looks something like the picture below.

Ssh Into Jailbroken Iphone

The left side shows your local files and the right side shows your files on the phone. The yellow items are folders and the white items are files. Let’s say you wanted to add some ROMs to the path: /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/GBA. Let’s also say that hte ROMs folder does not yet exist. Here are the steps to navigate the right side on the phone to that folder:

Ssh Jar Iphone 4 Download

  1. Double click the “..” until you are at the / folder. In the example above, this would be 3 times. You are starting in /private/var/root. The first double click of “..” puts you in /private/var. The next double click puts you in “/private”, and the next double click puts you in /.
  2. Double click “var”
  3. Double click “mobile”
  4. Double click “Media”
  5. Right click in the right pane on some free section and select “New, then Directory” (or just press F7). Give the directory the name “ROMs” (capitals count exactly as shown). If ROMs already exists, skip this step.
  6. Now double click “ROMs”
  7. Right click again and select “New, then directory”. This time name it “GBA”.
  8. Doubleclick “GBA”.
  9. Now on the left side, navigate to where you have stored your ROMs on your PC
  10. Drag the files you want from the left side (your pc) to the right side (your phone).
  11. When the copying has completed, you have now got ROMs on your phone.
  12. To delete the ROMs, follow all the same steps but instead of dragging the files over, just delete them on the right side (highlight and tap the delete key).

Iphone Ssh App

You should use putty when you need to type commands in and winscp when you need to manage files.